REDUCED AGAIN!! Behind locked gates, this secluded OFF-GRID GETAWAY 40 acres is apx. 1 mile from Yreka! Adjoins USA land on its south side, apx. 1,000 acres for your hiking & hunting pleasure!! Varied terrain with scattered timber and multiple pad areas cleared of brush for potential building or camping sites. A 20 foot freight container is included and there is a seasonal stream thru the parcel. The access road is an easement for only a handful of other properties behind the gates including the sellers other properties also for sale. An adjoining 12 acres REDUCED to $27,500 & 9.1 acres with an YEAR ROUND developed spring(artesian “well”) REDUCED to $37,500. Corners are surveyed in. Seller requires a cash sale so properties have been priced accordingly, however SELLER MOTIVATED & will make package deal for all 3, totaling 61.1 acres. Oil/mineral rights BELOW 100 ft. are withheld but THAT’S OK because that owner has NO RIGHT OF ENTRY. Old road is currently ruff & narrow because of overgrown brush/lack of maintenance. Requires high clearance 4×4. Has 4 apn #’s but is 1 legal parcel. Call for MAPS & more important details about easement road. Last few pics taken early spring.